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Recruiter: Jorge Luis Hernandez Muñoz

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Office Address: 
United States
Region of Operation: 
Miguel Auza ZAC
Visa offered: 

Summary of reviews

Recruitment conditions

They charged me for the job offer:
Yes (3) No (0)

They charged me money but didn’t get me the job:
Yes (3) No (0)

They gave me a loan:
Yes (0) No (3)

Did they charge interest?
With high interest (0)
With low interest (0)
Without interest (0)

They gave me a work contract:
Yes (0) No (3)

The work was what I was promised:
Yes (1) No (2)

Recruitment practices

They treated me the same as everyone else:
Yes (1) No (2)

I think it was because of my:
race (0)
nationality (1)
language (0)
sex (0)
age (1)
sexual orientation (0)
other (0)

They punished me for making a complaint or for defending my rights:
Yes (1) No (2)

The punishment was:
They didn't hire me again (0)
Now they don't hire my relatives (0)
They retained my personal documents (0)
They threatened me (0)
Other (0)

They retained my personal documents:
Yes (3) No (0)

They threatened me:
Yes (2) No (1)

They physically assaulted me:
Yes (1) No (2)

They verbally assaulted me:
Yes (3) No (0)

They sexually assaulted me:
Yes (0) No (3)

They kept me somewhere against my will:
Yes (1) No (2)


Es un estafador, se dedica a hacer fraude, pide dinero y luego se desaparece, chantajea con los documentos que te pide, nunca te consigue trabajo y te roba el dinero. FRAUDE
busca profesionistas de otras áreas para sus fraudes, y como gancho usa nombres de profesionistas reconocidos..... Aquí lo encuentran: hay una lona que dice: Defisco en 1ra de la Constitucion No 23 Colonia, El Cerrito, 98330 Miguel Auza, Zac. 4981091413
Este tipo es un defraudador en miguel auza zacatecas, gestiona segun el proyectos a fondo pedido y fondea proyectos ya hizo fraudes en varias partes de la republica mexicana
si a echo fraudes en gomez palacio por mas de un millon de pesos utlizando su contaduria y prollectos de trabajo lo andamos buscando no se dejen engallar utiliza sacando creditos ala gente