Recruitment Agency: Solstice International Consulting, LC
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Summary of reviews
Recruitment conditions
They charged me for the job offer:
Yes (10) No (8)
They charged me money but didn’t get me the job:
Yes (7) No (11)
They gave me a loan:
Yes (0) No (18)
Did they charge interest?
With high interest (0)
With low interest (0)
Without interest (0)
They gave me a work contract:
Yes (9) No (7)
The work was what I was promised:
Yes (7) No (10)
Recruitment practices
They treated me the same as everyone else:
Yes (13) No (4)
I think it was because of my:
race (1)
nationality (1)
language (0)
sex (0)
age (2)
sexual orientation (0)
other (0)
They punished me for making a complaint or for defending my rights:
Yes (2) No (16)
The punishment was:
They didn't hire me again (0)
Now they don't hire my relatives (1)
They retained my personal documents (0)
They threatened me (2)
Other (0)
They retained my personal documents:
Yes (2) No (16)
They threatened me:
Yes (4) No (14)
They physically assaulted me:
Yes (0) No (18)
They verbally assaulted me:
Yes (1) No (17)
They sexually assaulted me:
Yes (0) No (18)
They kept me somewhere against my will:
Yes (0) No (17)
El Naranjo, 79310. San Luis Potosí, México.
Monterrey, 64000, Nuevo León, México.
San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, México.
Huejutla Reyes, 43100. Hidalgo, México.
Oaxaca, México.
209 Flecha Lane Laredo, Texas. 74085. United States.