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President Obama's Executive Action and U & T Visas for Workplace Crime

"As part of President Obama's executive action on immigration, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) can now certify U and T visa applications for a variety of workplace crimes committed against foreign workers, including fraud in labor recruitment and extortion. On this Línea Abierta program, U and T visa experts explain to Chelis López and to Radio Bilingüe's audience what these visas are, who is eligible, and how to identify workplace crimes. In the first segment, lawyer Sonia Parras Konrad will explore this lesser-known component of the executive action, which is key to defending the rights of migrant workers in the United States" -Program from the "Voy Contratado" series on Radio Bilingüe

Click here to read and listen (in Spanish) to the program about this important topic.