Últimas noticias

Learn how the placement agencies of registered workers in Mexico should operate

Guest blog: Servicio Nacional de Empleo (SNE)

Part I.

In order for a placement agency of workers in Mexico to operate according to law, it should do two things:

1. Register with the Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión Social, and:

2. Comply with the Reglamento de Agencias de Colocación de Trabajadores, la Ley Federal del Trabajo, and other relevant regulations.

All placement agencies of registered workers in the country are in this public list that the SNE maintains and updates regularly. If you want to consult the registered agencies that recruit guest workers, you should open the list and go to the last page.

According to the central registry of placement agencies (for and not for profit); until August 2020, There are 9 placement agencies that recruit and select mexican people workers for specific work abroad:

1 in Coahuila

4 in Mexico City

1 in Guanajuato

2 in Oaxaca

1 in Queretaro

Next they mention some aspects that a placement agency should not do:

  • Charge anything from workers soliciting employment, whether it be money, services of any kind, directly or indirectly

  • Establish distinctions between people based on gender, age, ability, pregnancy, sexual preference, civil status or any other condition that could be subject of discrimination

  • Keep personal documents of people soliciting jobs

  • Offer an elicit job, a non-existent position, characteristics or conditions of false employment, and, in general, any act that tricks the solicitor

  • Agree directly or indirectly with employers to deduce the salary of workers and agency fees 

In the event that a placement agency commits one of these aforementioned actions, an irregularity would be occurring that is important to denounce, as this is the only way to proceed with inspection mechanisms and sanctions established by the Ley Federal del Trabajo y el Reglamento de Agencias de Colocación de Trabajadores.

It is recommended that you notify the Unidad de Trabajo Digno de la Secretaria de Trabajo y Previsión Social of any of wrongful acts by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling 01 (55) 20 00 53 00 ext. 63721, and send an email with the details of the denunciation, complaint, or consult to [email protected]