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Have you heard about human trafficking? The International Rescue Committee tells us what it is, how to identify it and what a trafficked person can do.

Guest Blog

Human trafficking:

It is a form of modern slavery that affects more than 20 million people around the world. Both labor trafficking and sex trafficking are forms of human trafficking in which people are forced to provide labor services or commercial sex against their will. Traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to exploit victims, including physical violence, threats, emotional abuse, and isolation. Anyone can be a survivor of trafficking: men and women, children and adolescents, foreign nationals and United States citizens.

Traffic defined through the A-M-F model:

- Action: Induce, Recruit, Shelter, Transport, Provide or Obtain

- Means: through Force, Fraud or Coercion

- Purpose: for the purpose of Commercial Sex or Labor Services

Know the warning signs and don't hesitate to report suspicious activity. The following questions can help identify trafficking survivors:

• Have they been forced to work or perform commercial sex acts?

• Have they or their family been threatened?

• Are they paid the minimum wage?

• Are they free to leave their home or work?

• Have they been harmed, hurt or added to in any way?

• Is someone controlling or monitoring them?

• Have their identification documents been taken from them?

If you believe you have been a victim of human trafficking or know of a current situation where human trafficking is occurring, please contact the IRC Sacramento HOPE Program at: +1 (916) 482-0120 or email to [email protected]

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